Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Burma Agrees To Release Over 6,000 Prisoners

Burma Announces Amnesty For 6,359 Prisoners -- Washington Post

RANGOON, Burma — Burma on Tuesday announced amnesty for 6,359 prisoners, a group expected to include hundreds of political prisoners whose release would be a dramatic sign of an opening after nearly 50 years of autocratic rule.

The United States and Europe have long demanded the release of political prisoners as a condition for lifting economic sanctions on Burma, also known as Myanmar.

In Washington, officials welcomed the announcement as the latest sign that a major shift may be underway in Burma. But they cautioned that much depends on how many of those released prove to be political prisoners — something that may not be known for weeks.

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More News On The Liberalization of Burma

Burma starts release of prisoners -- BBC
Mayanmar prison amnesty begins as prominent dissident released -- Daily Mail
Myanmar frees top dissident in mass amnesty -- AFP
Burma announces amnesty for more than 6,000 prisoners -- The Guardian
Burma to release thousands of inmates -- The Independent
Burma set to begin release of political prisoners -- The Telegraph
Some Myanmar political prisoners kept in jail -- Forbes/AP
Why Burma's prisoner release may be more than a token gesture -- Ariel Zirulnick, Christian Science Monitor
Burmese generals put on a show of democracy for audience of skeptics -- Kelly McParland, National Post

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