Monday, June 13, 2011

Russia's Presidential Race Is On

Pedal power: Russia's president (left) and prime minister on their bike ride through a Moscow park at the weekend Photo: Reuters

Russia: The Race Between Vladimir Putin And Dimitri Medvedev Is On -- The Telegraph

Displays of mutual admiration by Vladimir Putin and Dimitri Medvedev have sparked a buzz of excitement about next year's presidential election, says Tony Brenton.

In the sunshine of a Moscow summer, the two men pictured cycling through a park on the outskirts of the capital at the weekend looked for all the world like a couple of pals on an informal bike ride. Later, they played badminton together, again principally for the benefit of the media. But for Dimitri Medvedev, the Russian president, and Vladimir Putin, the prime minister, this stage-managed public engagement belied the tensions building behind the scenes at the Kremlin. It also added – perhaps deliberately – to the buzz of growing excitement among Russia-watchers. For, after almost disappearing from the front pages, her politics are interesting once more.

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My Comment: For the past two years I have been stating in this blog that Prime Minister Putin will not be running for the Russian Presidency. I still stand by this prediction.

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