Monday, June 3, 2013

The Iconic Photo That Captures The Unrest In Turkey

Protesters and police in Istanbul’s Taksim Gezi Park last week. (REUTERS/Osman Orsal)

The Photo That Encapsulates Turkey’s Protests And The Severe Police Crackdown -- Max Fisher, Washington Post

Turkey’s protest movement has ebbed and flowed dramatically over the past week, as has the government’s sometimes heavy-handed response, but this photo from last Tuesday, the second day of large-scale demonstration, remains an iconic and affecting symbol of the ongoing movement.

The photo was snapped by Reuters photographer Osman Orsal in Istanbul’s Taksim Gezi Park, where the movement began with a peaceful sit-in protesting the government’s plan to turn the green space into a shopping mall. Police moved in to clear the square, deploying barricades, tear gas and pepper spray. These photos show the crackdown in action, with the young urbanite Turks who had gathered at the square – the sorts of people who would hold a sit-in to protect city green space – clearly surprised by the police’s severity.

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Previous Post: Turkey's Rebellion In 90 Seconds (Video)

My Comment: This photo has made the rounds on social media .... and not surprisingly .... Turkey's prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan is now calling social media "the worst menace to society".

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