Sunday, June 2, 2013

So Much For Closer U.S. - China Military Ties

Chuck Hagel Rebuked By Chinese General Over US Buildup In Asia -- The Guardian

Confrontation over increased US presence in region comes days ahead of Obama's meeting with Chinese premier in California.

US defence secretary Chuck Hagel was challenged by a Chinese general Saturday to better explain the US military's Asia pivot, just moments after the Pentagon chief warned Beijing over cyberwarfare.

In a speech at a high-profile security conference in Singapore, Hagel said the US administration has concerns about "the growing threat of cyberintrusions, some of which appear to be tied to the Chinese government and military".

The rebuke – coming in China's backyard and in front of a Chinese delegation – was countered by questioning of America's intent in the region, following a reposition of its military strategy.

Read more ....

Update: China questions expanded US role in the Pacific; Hagel warns Beijing on computer-based attacks -- Washington Post/AP

My Comment: The Chinese are not laying down and taking U.S. criticism .... they are striking back.

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