Monday, June 3, 2013

Female Israeli Soldiers Disciplined For 'Going Wild' On Facebook

Israeli female soldiers have been disciplined after posting pictures of themselves in their underwear on Facebook in the latest social media embarrassment to hit Israel's armed forces. Facebook

Female Israeli Soldiers Disciplined For 'Unbecoming Behaviour' After Posing For Pictures Dressed Only In Their Underwear And Combat Fatigues -- Daily Mail

* The women are new recruits based in southern Israel
* Pictures show them dressed only in their underwear and combat fatigues
* Israeli military said they were disciplined for their 'unbecoming behaviour'
* Latest in string of incidents involving Israeli soldiers posting inappropriate images to social media

Four Israeli female soldiers have been disciplined after pictures of themselves dressed only in their underwear and combat gear were posted on Facebook.

The Israeli military said yesterday the group of women were punished for their 'unbecoming behaviour' after the pictures emerged on local news sites.

The images, published on Israeli news site Walla, showed the soldiers removing their fatigues to expose their underwear and back sides.

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More News On Female Israeli Soldiers Disciplined For 'Going Wild' On Facebook

Israeli female soldiers gone wild on Facebook -- Haaretz
Female Israeli soldiers strip off fatigues, land themselves in trouble -- New York Daily News
Female Israeli Soldiers Punished for Racy Photos -- AP
Israeli soldiers reprimanded for posing in underwear -- The Telegraph
Female Israeli Soldiers Racy Photos Controversy: Military ‘Disciplined’ Women For Pictures Online -- International Business Times
Israeli soldiers reprimanded for racy photos -- Al Jazeera

My Comment: I predict that this will be my number one viewed post for today.

Update 16:06 EST: As predicted .... my number one post for today with almost 400 views (in just 2 hours). Hmmmm .... this makes me wonder if I should post pics of good looking babes in uniform at least once a day.

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