Sunday, February 24, 2013

The Job Of The U.S. Defense Secretary

What a Defense Secretary Does -- Dan Senor, Weekly Standard

Pace Hagel, it’s a policy-making job.

In September 1993, Secretary of Defense Les Aspin received a request from the U.S. commander in Somalia for extra tanks, armored vehicles, and AC-130 Spectre gunships to support U.S. operations in Mogadishu. Aspin refused the request. The White House was not involved in the decision. Days later, 18 U.S. soldiers were killed in Mogadishu, some 84 were wounded, two U.S. choppers were shot down, and one pilot was captured. Aspin, who later conceded he had erred in denying the commander’s request, appeared weak when responding to detailed questions during a congressional hearing. His resignation followed less than a year into his hapless tour running the Pentagon.

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My Comment:
A rather long post .... but it gives an accurate description on the role and importance of the U.S. Defense Secretary. Is Chuck Hagel up to the job .... I was skeptical before his confirmation hearing .... and after that debacle (see above video) I am now super-skeptical. But President Obama wants him for the job, and since there are no major confirmation killing scandals involving Chuck Hagel, he will be confirmed by the US Senate.

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