Friday, January 11, 2013

Wikileaks Materials Found At Osama Bin Laden's Safe House


US Government Says WikiLeaks Material Was Found At Osama Bin Laden's Safe House -- Business Insider 

On Wednesday military prosecutors in the case of former Army intelligence analyst Bradley Manning said they would introduce evidence that WikiLeaks materials Manning is accused of passing to Julian Assange were found at Osama bin Laden's safe house, Scott Shane of the New York Times reports.

The evidence is the clearest indication yet of how the government intends to link Private Manning’s alleged leaks to aiding al-Qaeda and terrorism.

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More News On Wikileaks Material Found At Osama Bin laden's Safe House  

US: Bin Laden Got Cables Manning Leaked --
Osama bin Laden got classified cables Bradley Manning passed to Wikileaks: prosecutors -- New York Daily News
Prosecutors In Bradley Manning Case Say Documents Released By WikiLeaks Were Read By Osama Bin Laden -- IBTimes
Prosecutors: Bin Laden Sought Bradley Manning’s Wikileaks Documents -- Slate
The Prosecution Is Dragging Bin Laden into the Bradley Manning Case -- The Atlantic

My Comment: There is finally something that I can say that I share with Bin Laden .... we both read Wikileaks. What's my take on this story .... this is a blatant attempt by the prosecution to tie Bradley Manning and his leaks to Wikileaks to Bin Laden. Will it have an impact ... probably.

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