Tuesday, January 8, 2013

U.S.-NATO Security Transfer To Afghan Forces Still On Track

A German police officer guards an Afghan National Police trainee as she fires her weapon at a training center in Mazar-e-Sharif, northern Afghanistan, December 18, 2012.

ISAF: Security Transfer To Afghan Forces On Track -- Voice of America

ISLAMABAD — ​NATO civilian and military officials said that by the middle of 2013, Afghanistan’s national security forces will be leading security operations throughout the country. They also have dismissed suggestions that so-called “green-on-blue” attacks could undermine the 2014 drawdown plan.

​​The NATO-led International Security Assistance force, or ISAF, began the gradual transfer of security responsibility to Afghan national forces nearly two years ago, and it plans to complete the process by the end of 2014, when all foreign combat troops will have withdrawn from Afghanistan.

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My Comment: Recent reports are indicating that this withdrawal may be actually accelerating .... with even the option of having no U.S. forces after 2014.

What's my prediction .... only a few thousand U.S. soldiers will be left behind, and their mission objectives will be undefined and uncertain. If anything .... such a deployment will act more as a presence .... that in the event of everything in Afghanistan collaping, thousands of U.S. and NATO forces could rush in to maintain some form of order while evacuating foreign nationals. After that .... well .... no one wants to think about that option.

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