Thursday, January 10, 2013

The Pentagon's 2014 Budget Will Be Unlike Any In Recent Decades

After U.S. troops leave Afghanistan in 2014, strategic thinking will shift away from dealing with low-tech religious fanatics.

You've Never Seen a Defense Budget Like This -- Paul D. Shinkman, US News and World Report

New threats, priorities will yield a military financial plan unlike any in recent decades, experts say.

It's a whole new world for the U.S. military. The Obama administration has decided the war in Afghanistan will conclude by the end of 2014, and the weight of the Defense Department will turn to new threats, most notably in Asia and in cyberspace.

How the Pentagon plans to pay for all of this will fall under the microscope in the coming months. The threat of sequestration still looms until the new March deadline, pushing the regular budget for 2014—usually completed by early February—back as far as April.

If confirmed as the next secretary of Defense as many expect, Chuck Hagel will have to prepare for the kind of budget many Americans have never seen, experts say.

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My Comment: The White House seems to be very sure on what the future is going to hold ... that they have a very good idea on where tomorrows global conflicts and tensions will be, and what is necessary to confront it. 

I .... on the other hand .... must confess that I do not share that same level of confidence.

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