Thursday, January 10, 2013

The Entire Dark Knight Movie Trilogy In Three Minutes (Video)

Video: Watch The Entire Dark Knight Movie Trilogy In Three Minutes -- Wired 

Director Christopher Nolan’s Batman trilogy, which concluded last summer with The Dark Knight Rises, is probably one of the most well-executed comic book hero franchises in recent memory. So good, in fact, that every now and then it’s nice just to have a little taste – even when there isn’t time to watch all three flicks back to back.

 Luckily, the folks at Screen Rant have done us all a solid and crammed all of the best moments from the three films into one three-minute clip (above) for those who need a Bat-fix, even when there isn’t a lot of Bat-time. Three movies. Three minutes. One great way to bask in the world of Bruce Wayne.

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My Comment: Hmmm .... makes me want to watch all three films tonight.

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