Sunday, January 13, 2013

Is Israel Wasting Billions In Developing Attack Plans Against Iran?

Netanyahu Denies Wasting Money on Iran Attack Plans -- New York Times

JERUSALEM (Reuters) - Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu on Sunday dismissed allegations by predecessor Ehud Olmert that he wasted billions of dollars preparing for a strike on Iran that did not take place.

Olmert, who once led the centrist Kadima party, told Israel's Channel 2 television on Friday that 11 billion shekels (about $3 billion) were wasted on "illusionary security escapades that have not been implemented and will not be implemented".

Olmert, prime minister from 2006 to 2009, did not mention Iran by name but Israeli media said his meaning was clear in the attack on Netanyahu in the run-up to a January 22 parliamentary election.

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My Comment:
$3 billion dollars spent in planning attacks strategies .... I doubt it. Unless you include purchasing equipment, the ordinance (i.e. bunker busting bombs), etc. .... but even then .... $3 billion spent .... I still have my doubts.

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