Friday, January 11, 2013

France Confirms That Their Troops Are Now Conducting Military Operations Against Islamic Rebels In Mali

France Confirms Mali Intervention -- BBC

President Francois Hollande says French troops are taking part in operations against Islamists in northern Mali.

French troops "have brought... support to Malian units to fight against terrorist elements", Mr Hollande said.

He said the intervention was in line with international law, and had been agreed with Malian President Dioncounda Traore.

Armed groups, some linked to al-Qaeda, took control of northern Mali in April after a coup in the capital, Bamako.

The militants said this week that they had advanced further into government-controlled territory.

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More News On France Intervening In The Mali Conflict

French military arrives to help Mali government as radical Islamists advance -- FOX News/AP
French troops prepare to help government in Mali fight rebels linked to al-Qaeda -- Daily Mail
France launches military operation in Mali -- Reuters
French troops arrive in Mali to stem rebel advance -- The Guardian
French Troops Intervene in Mali to Support Local Army -- Wall Street Journal
France Urges Citizens to Leave Mali -- Voice of America
French president sends troops to Mali -- UPI
France: ready to stop advance of Mali rebels -- Bloomberg Businessweek/AP
French troops to confront terrorist forces in Mali -- National Post
France begins Mali intervention against rebel forces -- RT
French Troops Intervene to Stop Terrorist Rebels in Mali -- The Atlantic
Mali says Nigeria, Senegal, France providing help -- Reuters

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