Friday, January 11, 2013

Drones Are Not the Answer

Drones Are Fool's Gold: They Prolong Wars We Can't Win -- Simon Jenkins, The Guardian

New appointments in the White House hail an era of hands-free warfare. Yet these weapons induce not defeat, but retaliation

The greatest threat to world peace is not from nuclear weapons and their possible proliferation. It is from drones and their certain proliferation. Nuclear bombs are useless weapons, playthings for the powerful or those aspiring to power. Drones are now sweeping the global arms market. There are some 10,000 said to be in service, of which a thousand are armed and mostly American. Some reports say they have killed more non-combatant civilians than died in 9/11.

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My Comment: There is a lot that I agree with in this opinion piece (i.e. the dangers of drone blow-back).... and there is a lot that I do not (i.e. Pakistan hated America even before drones appeared on the scene). But the real problem that I have with drone critics like Simon Jenkins is that they never give a solution and/or alternative to what we must do to confront radical Jihadist groups who are hell bent on doing us harm. A passive approach is not going to work .... so what is the pro-active strategy if drones are not going to be used. When that question is answered .... they will then have my wholehearted support.

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