Tuesday, January 8, 2013

Commentaries, Opinions, And Editorials -- January 8, 2013

Karzai Meets Obama: How Will They Shape A Post-2014 Afghanistan? -- Scott Peterson, Christian Science Monitor

Few appear to believe the Taliban can regain power after 2014, when the US withdraws most of its troops. What's key, some say, is developing a US-Afghan partnership that will survive.

Afghan President Hamid Karzai's visit to Washington this week will shape the future of Afghanistan, as he and Obama determine the number and role – if any – of US forces in Afghanistan post-2014.

After more than a decade of war and costly efforts to build infrastructure and train Afghan security forces that now number 350,000, the view from Kabul is still mixed. Many are concerned about what will happen when the bulk of the 66,000 remaining US troops will be withdrawn by the end of 2014. Others believe that Afghanistan is ready to stand on its own.

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Commentaries, Opinions, And Editorials

To deter extremists in Syria, Obama must heed lessons of Kosovo intervention -- Andrew Burt, Christian Science Monitor

Maliki's dangerous game is increasing sectarian dangers -- Ranj Alaaldin,

Effectively Confronting Tehran: Try attacking the Revolutionary Guard and negotiating with the government. -- Daniel Pipes, NRO

Doing a big favor for Kim Jong Un: How Eric Schmidt and Bill Richardson are playing into the dictator's hands. -- John Bolton, New York Daily News

Border raids give India-Pakistan peace process a reality check -- Shivam Vij, Christian Science Monitor

“Never Again” in Kenya?
-- Juliet Torome, Project Syndicate

Connecting the dots in Somalia, Ethiopia and Kenya -- Abukar Arman, The Commentator

In Socialist France, Investors And Entrepreneurs Are An Endangered Species -- Sylvain Charatelection, Forbes

Depardieu's puzzling love for Russia
-- Matthew Fraser, CNN

Terrorists to Bounce Back in 2013
-- Rohan Gunaratna, National Interest

Nominations for Defense and the C.I.A.
-- New York Times editorial

The Disengagers: Kerry, Hagel, and the end of American military adventurism? -- David Rothkopf, Foreign Policy

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