Monday, January 7, 2013

A Sobering Analysis On Why China And Japan Are Foes

In Asia, Ill Will Runs Deep -- Odd Arne Westad, New York Times

THERE are few economies and societies on earth more complementary than China’s and Japan’s. The Chinese are relatively young, poor and restless and fiercely committed to economic growth. The Japanese are relatively old and sated, but technologically advanced and devoted to guarding their high standard of living. Proximity would seem to make the two nations ideally suited to benefit from each other.

But Japan is afraid of China’s rise, because the Chinese economy is so much more dynamic than Japan’s. And China is troubled by Japan, because the island nation seems to act as an unsinkable American aircraft carrier just off its coast.

Read more ....

My Comment: I have been traveling to both countries since the mid-1980s .... and on my first visit the first thing that struck me was on how intense the animosities were between the two countries. The Japanese have a cultural superiority and a nationalism that many Asians find distasteful. The Chinese have their own sense of nationalism .... but they have also never forgiven the Japanese for the atrocities of World War II .... and will probably hold this sentiment for the next century or two. In this environment .... while both countries are trying very hard to cooperate and work together .... they are finding that the old cultural and social prejudices are difficult to overcome, and in some cases almost impossible .... a conflict over 6 uninhabited islands is a case in point.

Update: Survey: Mistrust High Between Japanese, Chinese Citizens -- Voice of America

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