Monday, December 3, 2012

U.S. Women Soldiers Are In Combat–Just Not Officially

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The Pentagon’s Dilemma: Women Are In Combat–Just Not Officially -- Erin Delmore, MSNBC 

Since 2001, over 280,000 women have deployed to Iraq or Afghanistan. One hundred and forty-four have lost their lives. Now four servicewomen have taken their argument–that in a war with no front lines, there’s no daylight between being deployed to a combat zone and being “in combat”–to federal court. Marine Corps Captain Zoe Bedell, a plaintiff in the lawsuit, and ACLU Attorney Ariela Migdal told Andrea Mitchell Monday why they’re suing the Pentagon for barring them from direct combat.

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My Comment: How true .... U.S. women soldiers have been finding themselves in combat situations since the start of the Iraq war .... it is time to recognize their service.

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