Monday, December 3, 2012

Rising Concerns On North Korea's Impending Missile Test


Even Russia And China Don't Want The North Koreans Testing a New Missile -- The Atlantic Wire

North Korea has reportedly begun to set up the first stage of a rocket they plan to launch later this month, even though their closest "allies" are advising them against the stunt. South Korea's Yonhap news agency reported this morning that the first part of the three-stage rocket has been moved onto the launch platform, starting the process for a launch they say will happen between December 10 and December 22. The North Koreans claim they are putting "working satellite" into orbit, but most suspect it's actually a ballistic missile test like the one failed last April.

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More News On North Korea's Impending Missile Test

Russia, China warn North Korea about potential rocket launch -- Christian Science Monitor
Russia Urges N. Korea to Cancel Rocket Launch -- Voice of America
N. Korean Rocket Plans Proceed as Japan Warns Against Launch -- Bloomberg Businessweek
South Korea says North Korea attempting to influence their elections with rocket launch attempt -- FOX News
North Korea urged to drop rocket launch plan -- Reuters
North Korea 'installs long-range rocket at launch site' -- BBC
North Korea Gears Up to Launch Long-Range Rocket -- Product Design and Development
North Korea plans rocket launch within days -- CNN
North Korea Rocket Path Similar to April Launch -- Wall Street Journal
North Korea's rocket launch could be a massive own goal -- Simon Tisdall, The Guardian

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