Monday, December 3, 2012

One View Of Afghanistan

I Learned In Afghanistan That Everything I Thought I Knew About Humanity Was Wrong -- Geoffrey Ingersoll, Business Insider

When I met Karim Delgado, we were both already out of the Marine Corps, though I felt I already knew him well from seeing his byline. A fellow combat correspondent, essentially a writer/photographer in the Marines, Karim had never deployed to a combat zone, and seemed troubled that he hadn't.

Later he entered Columbia University as a philosophy major, networked, and found himself an opportunity as a contractor to document Special Forces during their tour in Afghanistan. When he returned, he was no less troubled than before.

Here is a short film he produced from what he called his "unclassified" footage. It's worth watching. Below you'll find a description in his own words of what it was like for him to do a tour in Afghanistan.

Read more

My Comment: A must see video.

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