Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Why The Success Of Israel's Iron Dome Is A Big Thing

The Dangerous Success Of Iron Dome -- David Horovitz, Times of Israel

You can bet that even as Hamas and its sponsors are recovering from the shock of clanging into Israel’s new missile shield, they are contemplating fresh ways to kill us. Those drafting the Pillar of Defense ceasefire terms mustn’t make it easy for them

Remember Amir Peretz? He’s the abundantly moustached former trade union chief who led the Labor Party into the 2006 elections and found himself, by the peculiar machinations of Israel’s ridiculous electoral system, installed as defense minister despite a conspicuous absence of high-level defense expertise. He’s the man who misguidedly trusted then-chief of General Staff Dan Halutz’s assurances that Hezbollah could be destroyed from the air in the mismanaged 2006 Second Lebanon War. He’s the buffoon who was photographed gravely viewing IDF military maneuvers on the Golan Heights five years ago through binoculars from which he had neglected to remove the lens caps.

Actually, I’m not talking about that Amir Peretz. I’m talking about the other Amir Peretz. Amir Peretz, the Sderot resident who had the wisdom and guts to defy Israel’s macho military thinkers and insist, when serving as defense minister, that Israel press ahead with the development of the Iron Dome missile defense system to protect his hometown and the other Gaza-envelope communities from Hamas’s relentless rocket attacks.

Read more ....

Previous Post:
A Look At Israel's Iron Dome Missile Defense System (Updated)

My Comment:
I stil believe that it is too early to call the Iron Dome program a success .... but it is surely surprising a lot of people .... this blogger included.

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