Tuesday, November 20, 2012

The Benghazi Story Is Shifting Back To The White House

Petraeus vs. Petraeus -- William McGurn, Wall Street Journal

The former CIA director's shifting Benghazi story puts the spotlight back on top Obama administration officials.

When David Petraeus told Congress on Friday that he knew almost from the get-go that Ambassador Chris Stevens was killed in a terror attack in Libya, the former CIA director was contradicting information put out by two prominent Obama appointees.

The first is United Nations Ambassador Susan Rice. The Sunday after the attack, Ms. Rice took to the talk shows to blame everything, falsely, on an Islamic mob outraged by a blasphemous YouTube video. Mr. Petraeus says the CIA's original talking points mentioned al Qaeda. If this was edited out, we ought to know who did it—and why.

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My Comment: The Benghazi story is shifting back to the administration .... which is where it should be. As to what will happen next, my prediction is that someone will have to fall on his sword for this debacle so that the attention does not focus on the President. As to who will be this person .... my prediction (as I said in an earlier post and as the above video explains) is that it will be this high ranking intelligence official.

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