Thursday, November 8, 2012

Russia Remembers The 1941 Parade Of Soldiers On Their Way To Fight The Nazis

Image of the November 7, 1941 Red Square parade in beseiged Moscow. Photo by

Russian Soldiers Don Historic Uniforms And March Through The Red Square To Mark 1941 Parade Of Soldiers On Their Way To Fight The Nazis -- Daily Mail

Visitors to the Russian capital could have been forgiven for thinking they have stepped back in time as thousands took part in a military show of strength in Red Square.

Instead of trying to intimidate the West with its military firepower, the intention of the march was entirely harmless - and was to mark the 71st anniversary of a key moment in Russian history from Word War II.

The parade involved approximately 6,000 Russian soldiers and military cadets, many of them dressed in World War II-era uniforms.

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My Comment: Of the 6,000 soldiers who were in that 1941 march, most were killed within 6 months .... so that is one reason why there are only 65 living survivors today. I saw this parade in Moscow a few years ago .... it is an emotional experience to be just there. It was a cold day .... but no one was feeling the cold. My biggest regret .... my father who served in the Soviet Army during World war II had passed away the previous year, and I know that he would have loved to see what I was seeing when I was there.

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