Thursday, November 8, 2012

Having More F-22s Died On Tuesday

An F-22 and an F-35 over Florida. Photo: Air Force

Romney’s F-22 Dreams Died Tuesday -- Defense Tech

President Barack Obama’s re-election Tuesday signaled any bids to restart the F-22 production line after Republican presidential nominee Mitt Romney had raised the issue on the campaign trail saying he wanted to build more F-22s.

Romney lumped in the F-22 with his plans to build more ships for the Navy during an interview with a Virginia television station in September.

“Rather than completing nine ships per year, I’d move that up to 15. I’d also add F-22s to our Air Force fleet. And I’d add about 100,000 active duty personnel to our military team,” Romney said in the interview. “I think the idea of shrinking our military to try and get closer to balancing our budget is the wrong place to look.”

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My Comment: There are some very knowledgeable people who believe that having an all-stealth fleet should die also.

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