Thursday, November 22, 2012

Did Media Perpetuate A Myth Around David Patraeus??

'Cult Of David Petraeus': Did Media Perpetuate A Myth? -- Anna Mulrine, Christian Science Monitor

Members of the Pentagon press are shaking their heads in the wake of the David Petraeus scandal. Some think Petraeus's savvy and personable style led them to be too soft on him.

The case of former CIA Director David Petraeus has not only caused head-scratching in the halls of the Pentagon and within the intelligence community. It has also inspired journalists to do a bit of soul-searching within their own ranks.

The questions tend to go something like this: Were we too easy on him?

The now-retired four-star general, who ran the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, was routinely called the greatest strategic military mind of his generation. While an affair with his biographer, Paula Broadwell, has no direct connection to Mr. Petraeus's military achievements, it does take the glow off the cult of personality that had developed around him. And defense reporters are now acknowledging they played no small part in burnishing that once-shining image.

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Previous Post: How Petraeus Won The Press

My Comment:
Spencer Ackerman from the Danger Room asked the same question .... my own answer is here.

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