Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Congo Rebels Vow To Take Over The Country

Congo Rebels, After Victory, Vow To Take The Capital -- New York Times

GOMA, Democratic Republic of Congo — No visa is necessary to cross this border anymore. Nor do red-eyed soldiers hang around reeking of home-brew. Gone, too, are many of the quasi-government officials who used to buzz around this border post harassing travelers and squeezing out bribes, including one little man who claimed to be a health officer and had “Doc” scribbled in Magic Marker on his coat.

Instead, the doorway to Goma, one of Congo’s largest and most strategic cities, is now manned by lean, young rebels in crisp fatigues. They captured this town on Tuesday, ridding it of an often sloppy and menacing Congolese Army presence, and on Wednesday the rebels announced at a triumphant rally that Goma was just the beginning.

“We’re going to Kinshasa!” vowed Col. Vianney Kazarama, a spokesman for the M23 rebel group.

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More News On The Conflict In The Congo

Rebels threaten wider Democratic Republic of Congo conflict -- CNN
M23 rebels vow to take Congo, as troops defect -- AP
Rebels pledge to 'liberate' Congo after seizing city -- NBC
Congo conflict: Rebels set sights on capital Kinshasa -- Toronto Star
DRC Rebels Vow to Overthrow Government -- Voice of America
UN Warns of ‘External Support’ of DRC Rebels -- Voice of America
U.N. defends failed attempt to halt capture of Congo's Goma -- Reuters
Women and children flee Democratic Republic of Congo after rebels invade Goma -- CNN
DR Congo General sold arms to rebel groups: U.N. report
-- Reuters
UN Report: Rwanda Commanding Congo Rebel Force -- AP
UN Forces Reinforced in Goma -- Voice of America
Congo rebellion stretching peacekeeping force -- FOX News/AP
Led by Rwanda, Congo army mutiny became well-armed revolt-UN experts -- Reuters
Congo Army Prepares Response as Goma Fall ‘Threatens’ Kabila -- Bloomberg Businessweek
East African leaders tell rebels to quit Goma -- Al Jazeera
Congo's rebels seek to nurture popular movement -- Reuters
Congo: Will the U.N. take action against rebels' backers? -- Michelle Nichols, Christian Science Monitor
Goma's fall: Could UN troops in Congo have done more to prevent it?
-- Mike Pflanz, Christian Science Monitor
UN Condemns Rebels Wreaking Havoc in Congo; US Shields Rwanda's Role -- Evelyn Leopold, Huffington Post

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