Thursday, November 8, 2012

Commentaries, Opinions, And Editorials -- November 8, 2012

China's Next Hurdle -- L.A. Times editorial

You think the United States has problems? Take a closer look at China.

In the same week it is revealed to us who will be the next leaders of both superpowers: Barack Obama and Xi Jinping. The only difference is that we didn't know it would be Obama until after Tuesday's vote. By contrast, we knew it would be Xi long before the process that begins in the Great Hall of the People in Beijing on Nov. 8, from which he will emerge as Communist Party leader, becoming president next spring.

The coincidence prompts two questions: Which superpower is getting stronger? And which faces the deeper crisis of its economic and political system? Though this may sound contradictory, the answers are: China and China.

Read more ....

Commentaries, Opinions, And Editorials

Obama Win Stirs Israeli Worries Over PM's Romney Support -- Scott Bobb, Voice of America

Analysis: Pushing reset in Netanyahu-Obama ties -- Herb Keinon, Jerusalem Post

Obama & Pakistan -- DAWN Editorial

At World Economic Forum, Indian Business Elites Fret Over Their Country’s Future Growth -- Krista Mahr, Time

The euro crisis: Greece, the skids -- The Economist

Mourning the vanishing Greece of my childhood -- Theopi Skarlatos, BBC

China, Russia and Obama's second coming -- M K Bhadrakumar, Asia Times

The Reset Has Run Out of Gas -- Georgy Bovt, The Moscow Times

Al-Qaeda resurgent?
-- Alia Brahimi, Al Jazeera

Liberating Foreign Policy in the Second Term -- Paul Pillar, National Interest

It’s the Stimulus, Stupid: Why Obama won reelection when virtually every other incumbent in the West has been bounced from office. -- James Traub, Foreign Policy

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