Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Commentaries, Opinions, And Editorials -- November 20, 2012

The Never-Ending War In The Middle East -- David Ignatius, Washington Post

An Israeli official was listening a few days ago to the familiar critique that Israel doesn’t have any strategy in Gaza, just periodic tactical assaults on Hamas. The official finally exploded: “That is our strategy. Don’t you understand? We don’t have any other choice except to punch our adversary in the face every few years.”

The most depressing aspect about the latest Gaza war is that it dramatizes this “no exit” aspect of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. Wars recur every four or five years, but they never seem to settle anything. The Israelis pound the Palestinians until they accept a cease-fire, but it’s temporary. The emotional state of war continues.

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Commentaries, Opinions, And Editorials

How Hamas Won the War: It doesn’t really matter if Israel wins the battle. -- Aaron David Miller, Foreign Policy

Unless Western and regional powers act, war looks imminent in the Gaza Strip -- Times of India

Beyond Iron Dome. Israeli tech is America’s hope -- Arthur Herman, New York Post

Nuclear Iran Means Mideast Atomic Arms Race -- IBD Editorial

Now The Hard Part Begins: The China Challenge -- Minxin Pei, The Diplomat

Reform on the Back Burner with New Chinese Regime -- Patrick Smith, The Fiscal Times

Obama’s message for North Korea in visiting Burma: Let’s make up
-- Max Fisher, Washington Post

Mr. Obama strikes a balance in Burma -- Washington Post editorial

US pivot to Asia slowed by basic policy realities -- The National editorial

A Violent Russia -- Kim Zigfeld, American Thinker

A different and diminished Castro
-- Brian Latell, Miami Herald

The ill wind blowing past Benghazi -- Wesley Pruden, The Washington Times

The Media’s Benghazi Scandal -- Peter Wehner, Commentary

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