Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Was The U.S. Consulate Attack In Libya A Hasty Strike Or A Coordinated And Well Planned Assault

The U.S. Consulate in Benghazi in flames during an attack by an armed group Photo: REUTERS

Evidence Points to Hasty Strike on U.S. Compound in Libya -- Bloomberg Businessweek

While details of the attack that killed the U.S. ambassador to Libya last month may never be fully known, there is ample evidence neither the Obama administration’s initial accounts nor Republican portrayals of the incident are accurate.

The administration has abandoned its early depictions of the assault in Benghazi that killed Ambassador Chris Stevens and three other Americans as the escalation of a spontaneous and peaceful demonstration. Republicans, meanwhile, have sought to tie the attack to a resurgent al-Qaeda that President Barack Obama’s administration failed to detect and deter.

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My Comment: Critics are claiming that the White House is downplaying Al Qaeda's role (or possible role) in the Benghazi US consulate attack because this runs contrary to their public message that because of US policies and the death of Bin laden, Al Qaeda is now becoming a spent force. What's my take .... I do not have the intelligence resources that the US government has, but I do know that Al Qaeda's leader has recently been "spiking the football" in his response to last month's successful militant attack on the US consulate in Libya.

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