Monday, October 15, 2012

The USS America Is A Symbol Of WhaT Is Wrong With The U.S. Navy Why The U.S. Navy

The LHA(R) will be the U.S. Navy’s newest multifunctional and most versatile amphibious assault ship. It will incorporate enhanced aviation capabilities centered around the Short Take-off and Landing (STOVL) F35B Joint Strike Fighter and the MV-22 Osprey tilt-rotor. The LHA(R) will be a variant of the gas turbine powered USS Makin Island (LHD 8). This longer and wider ship will provide increased aviation capability, vehicle lift, cargo magazine capacity, better survivability, increased habitability standards and greater service lift margins. Photo courtesy of Northrop Grumman Corporation

USS America Symbolic of U.S. Navy Problems -- Eric Palmer Blog

As G points out in a tweet, the USS America will have a christening ceremony on October 20th.

While there could be some accuracy in his comment about amphibious ships being the most versatile in the fleet, the USS America won't be one of them. At $3.4B, USS America won't have a well-deck.

This is a huge problem and the U.S. Navy and United States Marketing Corps (if it is gold plated we want it) have recognized this multi-billion dollar error.

For $3.4B, We could have had maybe 5 Littoral Combat Ships (LCS). The LCS is a whole 'nother disaster but for littoral work in a low threat environment against small threats it is shocking that even 5 LCS offer more potential value than the USS America.

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My Comment: Stratgey Page make`s the same analysis. For more info on the USS America, go here. What`s my take .... at least they are not building 5 or 6 more of these ships.

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