Thursday, October 18, 2012

If Cuts Go Through Will The U.S. Navy Be The Smallest Since The First World War

(Credit: Reuters/Shannon Stapleton)

The U.S. Navy: 1916 vs. 2012 -- Dr. Robert Farley, The Diplomat

At last week’s US Vice Presidential debate, Representative Paul Ryan repeated a claim that has become a staple of the Romney campaign’s military and foreign policy presentation. Ryan argued “If these cuts go through, our Navy will be the smallest -- the smallest it has been since before World War I.”

Politifact calls this claim “Pants on Fire,” because of some minor arithmetical errors, while noting that the theory of military power that seems to underlie the claim appears suspect. Nevertheless, the talking point has a certain power because the underlying facts are (somewhat) true, and a full appraisal of the claim requires space, time, and an over-developed appreciation of the silly.

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My Comment: I suspect that Ryan was focused on total number of ships (not capabilities as Dr. Robert Farley uses in his commentary to make his point. In addition .... Dr. Robert Farley uses 1916 to debunk Ryan's positions .... but Ryan is right if you use figures from 1918. Anyhow .... I love these debates where apples are compared to oranges. On the bright side .... 19 days till the U.S. election and all of this will be over (until the next election cycle).

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