Thursday, October 18, 2012

Getting Ready To Invade Northern Mali

African Force Set For Northern Mali -- The Telegraph

An army of 6,000 African troops will be mobilised to wrest the deserts of northern Mali from al-Qaeda's control, with European countries providing intelligence and logistics, according to a senior French official.

Earlier this year, al-Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb (AQIM) and their local allies routed Mali's national army and seized an area more than three times the size of Britain. This branch of the terrorist network now dominates over 300,000 square miles of territory, complete with arms dumps, airports, military bases and the ancient Saharan city of Timbuktu.

If AQIM stays in control, it will use this vast region to threaten the rest of Africa and the wider world, said the French official. This territory was "totally controlled" by "terrorists" and already serving as a "magnet for bad guys across the region," he said.

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More News On Military Forces Being Prepared To Invade Northern Mali

Timetable for Military Intervention in Northern Mali Uncertain -- Voice of America
Few to Take On Mali Militants -- Wall Street Journal
Talk of N. Mali intervention grows; no action soon -- Washington Times/AP
France urges swift action as Mali militant threat grows -- Jerusalem Post/Reuters
Mali prepares for attack on northern insurgents -- The Guardian
North Mali lawmakers call for 'urgent' intervention -- AFP
Mali Islamists destroy more saints' tombs in Timbuktu: witnesses -- AFP
Mali Islamists bulldoze more tombs in Timbuktu -- Reuters
Mali: Military Intervention Is Necessary, Inevitable but (Until Now) Impossible --
Drums of war beat in Mali -- Shakir Noori, Gulf News

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