Monday, August 20, 2012

We Need A Debate Before Making Pledges To Israel On Military Action Against Iran

President Barack Obama meets with Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu of Israel, in the Oval Office, May 20, 2011. (by Pete Souza)

Obama Needs U.S. Debate Before Making Pledges To Israel About Attacking Iran -- Peter Beinart, Daily Beast

Obama has told Israel that America will take military action to prevent Iran from getting nukes. But before he commits us to war, he should make a full speech, go to Congress, and otherwise explain why such action is worthwhile.

For years now, Israelis have been noisily debating military action against Iran. And their conclusion, according to polls, is that America should do it. That’s somewhat ironic given that self-reliance—never again putting Jewish destiny in non-Jewish hands—is core to the Zionist ideal. But it’s also quite rational: an American strike would likely set back Tehran’s nuclear progress far more than an Israeli one would. And an American strike would not leave Israel as isolated in the world.

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My Comment: I concur that we need a public debate .... but we are not even having a debate on the continuing war in Afghanistan .... nor on the many small wars that we are now involved in from Mali to Somalia to Yemen, etc.... so I doubt that we will have a debate on what promises should we give to Israel if there is an Israeli - Iran war.

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