Monday, August 13, 2012

Washington Has No Plan To Control The Rising Cost Of The F-35

F-35 Joint Strike Fighter in action.

Neither Obama Nor Romney Has Realistic Plan To Tame Cost Of F-35 Stealth Jet -- Washington Times

The F-35 Joint Strike Fighter is the white whale of the Defense Department — a stealth jet designed to work for all branches of the armed forces — but at a total cost of $1.5 trillion, it’s also a program that analysts say is an epic boondoggle that neither President Obama nor his GOP challenger, Mitt Romney, has a realistic plan to get under control.

What’s worse is that the F-35 is just the tip of the iceberg in what many describe as a sea of waste and mismanagement surrounding the weapons acquisition system at the Pentagon. Even the department’s inspector general says it simply cannot be audited.

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My Comment: I suspect that the US government will do what it always does when it is confronted with an exploding appropriations budget .... it will just buy less than what was originally planned .... even paying extra for the lower production numbers. Is this good for our defense posture .... of course not.

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