Thursday, August 16, 2012

Syrian President Bashar al-Assad's Brother 'Lost Leg' In Rebel Bombing Last Month

Maher al-Assad. Wikiepdia

Syria: Bashar al-Assad's Brother 'Lost Leg' In Rebel Bombing -- The Telegraph

The scale of the damage done to Syria’s Assad regime by the uprising against its rule widened on Thursday as credible reports said Maher, President Bashar al-Assad’s brother, had lost his leg in a rebel bombing of top security officials.

Maher al-Assad, leader of both the Republican Guard and the military’s most effective unit, the Fourth Division, has been rumored to be injured in an attack on a security building in Damascus.

The bomb, believed to have been placed by an insider with rebel sympathies, killed four senior members of the security apparatus, including his brother-in-law, Assef Shawkat.

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Update #1: Maher Assad, Syria President's Brother, Reportedly Lost Leg In July Bomb Attack -- Huffington Post/Reuters
Update #2: Syria: Assad’s brother ‘lost leg in bombing’ -- Scotsman

My Comment: If true, he is definitely out of the fight.

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