Monday, August 13, 2012

Some Somali Pirates Are Getting Rich

Two of seven Somali pirates who were each sentenced to 20-year jail terms sit in court in Mombasa, Kenya, on August 8. They were found guilty of hijacking a fishing vessel named Captain St. Vincent on October 27, 2009, in the international waters off the Gulf of Aden. Reuters

Pirates Grow Wealthy — And Get Own Letterhead -- MSNBC/Reuters

In 2011, Somali pirates reportedly earned some $160 million in ransoms.

Welcome to the Pirate Action Group. Pirate commander Jamal wishes to congratulate you on being hijacked. Kindly speak to his negotiator about your ransom, bearing in mind that his demands are similar for every vessel he seizes.

This is not an absurd joke -- this is how the pirates of the African coast do business, and it's a serious matter for the companies that have to pay out.

Read more

My Comment
: It's all about the money.

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