Monday, August 13, 2012

Republicans Accuse The White House Of Not Being Interested In Averting Sequester Defense Cuts

GOP Senator To Obama: Step Up To Help Avert Sequester Defense Cuts -- The Hill

Sen. Roger Wicker (R-Miss.) charged Saturday that President Obama and Washington Democrats have failed to work in good faith to roll back looming automatic spending cuts that would hit the military.

Wicker used his party’s weekly address to charge that the automatic cuts, which are moving forward because of the failure of last year’s supercommittee, could have been avoided altogether if Obama had offered more assistance to the deficit-reduction panel.

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My Comment: I am not impressed by Sen. Roger Wicker's position. He and his Republican associates voted for sequestration .... and were bluntly told during the vote by sequestration critics (critics who were ignored by Sen. Wicker) that they were positioning themselves to be a no-win position. Well .... the critics were and are right .... and now Sen. Roger Wicker and his fellow Republicans are crying foul. Sheessshhhh .... puhlease.

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