Monday, August 20, 2012

Report: North Korth Korea Will Have Enough Nuclear Material For 48 Nuclear Weapons By 2015

North Korean leader Kim Jong-un smiles in a wooden boat on Friday on his way to the military unit that shelled Yeonpyeong Island in November 2010. /[North] Korean Central News Agency

North Korea Could Have Fuel For 48 Nuclear Weapons By 2015 -- The Telegraph

North Korea will have been able to build as many as 48 nuclear weapons by 2015 unless the international community is able to make sanctions already imposed on the regime work.

The stark warning about Pyongyang's nuclear stockpile was issued by The Institute for Science and International Security, which projected three scenarios for North Korea's atomic weapons programme.

In the best-case scenario for the next four years outlined by the researchers, North Korea will have been able to use the centrifuges at its Yongbyon nuclear plant to produce sufficient low enriched uranium for a maximum of 25 nuclear weapons.

Read more ....

Update #1: South Korea, US launch annual military drills condemned by North Korea -- Washington Post/AP
Update #2: Kim warns troops to prepare for 'sacred war' during US-South Korea exercises -- CNN

My Comment
: It only takes one nuclear weapon exploding somewhere to ruin everyone's day.

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