Monday, August 20, 2012

President Obama Warns That The U.S. Will Intervene If Syria Uses Chemical Weapons

Barack Obama Warns Syria Over Use Of Chemical Or Biological Weapons -- The Guardian

US president threatens 'enormous consequences' if Assad regime fails to safeguard weapons of mass destruction.

US president Barack Obama bluntly warned Syrian president Bashar al-Assad on Monday not to cross a "red line" by using chemical or biological weapons in his country's bloody conflict and suggested that such action would prompt the United States to consider a military response.

Pointing out that he had refrained "at this point" from ordering US military engagement in Syria, Obama said that there would be "enormous consequences" if Assad failed to safeguard his weapons of mass destruction.

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More News On US Threats Of Military Intervention Is Syria Uses Chemical Weapons

Obama to Assad: U.S. would act if chemical weapons used -- Reuters
Chemical weapons would be 'red line' sparking US action in Syria, Obama says -- FOX News/AP
Obama warns Syria over chemical arms as fighting rages -- AFP
Obama Warns Syria on Chemical Weapons -- Wall Street Journal
Obama warns Syria chemical weapons use may spark US action -- BBC
Obama Says Any Chemical Weapon Use in Syria ‘Red Line’ for U.S. -- Bloomberg Businessweek
Obama Warns of Military Action on Syria Over Chemical Weapons -- New York Times
Obama Warns Assad Not To Use or Move Chemical Weapons -- Radio Free Europe
Obama warns Syria not to cross 'red line' -- CNN
Obama Warns Syria on Chemical Weapons, Calls for Assad to Step Down -- Voice of America

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