Thursday, August 16, 2012

Military And Intelligence News Briefs -- August 16-17, 2012

Israel's Trigger Finger Grows Itchy Over The Nuclear Threat From Iran -- The Telegraph

How long will the Israelis wait before striking out at their sworn enemy?

Operation Opera went like clockwork. It took only 80 seconds for Saddam Hussein’s cherished ambition to build a nuclear weapon, over which his experts had laboured for six years, to be obliterated by Israeli strike aircraft swooping from a blazing summer sky.

The destruction of Iraq’s Osirak reactor on June 7, 1981 was among the most successful preventive attacks in modern history. Just 16 bombs dropped by eight F-16s derailed Saddam’s nuclear programme, buying enough time for the dictator to seal his own downfall by occupying Kuwait and paving the way for the invasion of 2003. The history of the Middle East changed – and not a single Israeli aircraft was lost.

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If This Document Is Correct Israel's Attack On Iran Would Be Like Nothing Seen Before -- Business Insider

Egypt general's paper offers insight into thinking -- Reuters

China test fires new long-range missile
-- Washington Free Beacon

China Will Force Military Confrontation Over Disputed Islands -- Top Secret Writers

Russia Today: US military plan against China outlined in think-tank report -- Axis of Logic

U.S. Marines, Soldiers Share Tactics With Botswanan Troops
-- US Department of Defense

Pentagon Denies Reports of Russian Sub near U.S. -- RIA Novosti

U.S. Eyes Missile Defense Work With India -- Aviation Week

U.S., Japan said discussing missile-defense ship upgrades -- Reuters

Military analyzing why latest hypersonic flight off the California coast failed -- Washington Post/AP

Pentagon Says Missile Defense Remains Key Amid Cutbacks -- Global Security Newswire

Navy soliciting bids for ship-based laser weapons -- Stars and Stripes

The Army Is Eyeing These Cool New Camouflage Patterns -- Business Insider

US Homeland Security officials get the okay to amass a vast ammo cache
-- Daily Mail

US Military Adds Blimps to Patrol Border -- FOX News

Mitt Romney's plan would add few new troops
-- Politico

McCain: ‘I plead guilty’ to sequester vote -- The Hill

Navy SEAL responds after Media Matters staffer says Obama-critical SEALs ‘don’t have guts’ -- Daily Caller

Comic imagines world of top secret military unit
-- CNN

Navy Special Forces units: How many are needed? -- Walter Pincus, Washington Post

Fort Hood trial on hold after Hasan refuses military's orders to shave beard -- FOX News/AP

Stopping intelligence leaks -- Inside The Ring/Washington Times

U.S. military suicide rate doubles for July -- CBS/AP

Iran, Military Strikes, and the Limits of WMD Intelligence
-- Matthew Waxman, Lawfare

July is deadliest month of 2012 for US troops

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