Thursday, August 16, 2012

Fresh Tensions Over Disputed Japanese Territories

Tokyo Faces Fresh Tensions Over Disputed Territories -- Wall Street Journal

Island Territories Off Nation's Coast Are Challenged Anew by South Korea, Russia and China.

Tokyo is facing escalating tensions on three fronts, as South Korea, Russia and China make fresh challenges to claims over island territories off the shores of Japan.

On Tuesday, South Korean President Lee Myung-bak, speaking on the eve of Seoul's celebration of liberation from Japan at the end of World War II, criticized Japanese handling of the countries' historic and territorial grievances, tying it to Japan's imperial past. In a speech Wednesday, Mr. Lee again urged Tokyo to resolve some of the controversies that still linger from the colonial era but didn't mention specific territorial disputes.

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My Comment:
The biggest winner in all of these disputes will be the Japanese nationalists who will be using these disputes to stoke Japanese sentiments.

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