Friday, August 10, 2012

Does Israel Want To Attack Iran Before The U.S. Presidential Election?

Israel's prime minister Benjamin Netanyahu and defense minister would like to attack Iran's nuclear sites before the U.S. election in November but lack crucial support within their cabinet and military, an Israeli newspaper said on Friday. Ammar Awad / Reuters files

Israeli Newspaper Says PM, Defence Minister Want To Attack Iran Before U.S. Election -- National Post/Reuters

JERUSALEM — Israel’s prime minister and defence minister would like to attack Iran’s nuclear sites before the U.S. election in November but lack crucial support within their cabinet and military, an Israeli newspaper said on Friday.

The front-page report in the biggest-selling daily Yedioth Ahronoth came amid mounting speculation — fuelled by media leaks from both the government and its detractors at home and abroad — that war with Iran could be imminent even though it might rupture the bedrock ties between Israel and the United States.

Read more

Update #1: Netanyahu, Barak mulling fall strike on Iran -- YNet News
Update #2: Why do people keep predicting war with Iran? -- Stephen Walt, Foreign Policy

My Comment:
An Israeli attack against Iran's nuclear facilities will result with Iran retaliating, engulfing the region in a tit for tat strikes and skirmishes that will involve the U.S. .... including the closure of the strait of Hormuz. Will this impact the US election .... definitely. Will this help Israel in their conflict against Iran .... it appears that in the Israeli calculations .... it will.

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