Thursday, August 16, 2012

Commentaries, Opinions, And Editorials -- August 16, 2012

The Battle For Aleppo -- Robert G. Rabil, National Interest

Notwithstanding the destruction and staggering loss of life as the raging battle for Syria's commercial capital of Aleppo continues, the battle for both the regime and the opposition has taken on a multidimensional strategic aspect. The battle for Aleppo confirms that the first phase of the Syrian civil war has ended, and the battle for consolidating sectarian cantonization has begun. And it has initiated a process with far-reaching implications for Syria and the region.

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What Syria’s Rebels Need -- Bartle Breese Bull, New York Times

From Syria’s Ashes: A new Alawite state could redraw the map of the Middle East. -- Michael Totten, City Journal

Al Assad a real thorn in the flesh for regional leaders
-- Joseph A. Kechichian, Gulf News

Why Iran, more than Russia, may obstruct US goals in Syria -- Howard LaFranchi, Christian Science Monitor

Competing senses of liberation, dread rule in Kurdish areas of Syria -- David Enders, McClatchy Newspapers

U.N. chief should boycott Tehran conference
-- Washington Post editorial

Is Israel trying to lead the US to war with Iran? -- Dan Murphy, Christian Science Monitor

Morsi Makes His Move: What the Power Grab Means for Cairo -- And Washington -- Steven A. Cook, Foreign Affairs

Vietnam’s War on the Blogosphere
-- Bridget O’Flaherty, The Diplomat

Pakistan Independence Day – not really -- Qanta A. Ahmed, Christian Science Monitor

Is the Taliban wearing out its welcome in Afghanistan? -- Tom Peter, Christian Science Monitor

The Bo Xilai and Gu Kailai scandal masks the battle for China's future
-- Seumas Milne, The Guardian

‘Economic suicides’ shake Europe as financial crisis takes toll on mental health -- Washington Post

Canada’s not ready to have the World in the Arctic -- Michael Byers, Globe and Mail

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