Monday, August 20, 2012

Chinese - Japanese Island Disputes Heat Up

Unidentified members from a Japanese nationalist group land on Uotsuri island, part of the disputed islands in the East China Sea. (Kyodo/Reuters)

Japanese Hoist Flags On Islands Claimed By China -- Independent

Japanese nationalists have upped the ante in a territorial dispute with China by landing on a group of islands in the East China Sea and hoisting flags, in defiance of a government ban.

News reports said the 150 nationalists, including several local government councillors, arrived on a 20-strong flotilla of boats waving Japanese flags. "The Senkakus are undoubtedly Japanese territory," a Tokyo politician, Eiji Kosaka, told the Associated Press.

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More News On The China - Japan Island Dispute

Chinese, Japanese activists up stakes in escalating regional dispute over islands’ ownership -- Washington Post/AP
China, Japan activists hold protests over disputed islands -- L.A. Times
Nationalists Escalate China-Japan Tensions Over Disputed Islands -- IBTimes
China-Japan island dispute heightens -- UPI
Japanese visit to disputed islands sparks China protest -- CBC
Simmering Chinese Anger at Japan Is Now on the Boil -- International Herald Tribune
China Protests Erupt as Japanese Group Lands on Disputed Island -- Bloomberg Businessweek
Anti-Japan protests erupt in China amid island dispute -- CNN

My Comment: Talk about stirring the hornet's nest.

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