Sunday, August 12, 2012

Battle Lines Are Taking Firmer Shape In Syria

In Syria, Battle Lines Take Firmer Shape -- Wall Street Journal

Rebels Say Guerrilla Campaign Has Shifted to More Traditional Conflict; Zones of Control in Aleppo.

ALEPPO, Syria—Rebels here say their territorial gains and ability to hold territory are transforming their guerrilla campaign into a more traditional conflict, with opposition and Syrian regime forces squaring off for territory across a shifting but defined front line.

In Aleppo, Syria's largest city, rebels have grabbed a toehold since launching a two-pronged invasion in July, effectively dividing the city into rebel- and regime-held halves.

The rebels control a contiguous arc of territory stretching around the city from the northeast to the southwest. They remain locked in a fight for the Salaheddin neighborhood, a gritty street battle that rebel commanders say could prove decisive in the struggle for control of the city.

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My Comment:
This reminds me of the Lebanese civil war. After a year of sectarian civil war, the battle lines became very clear among the many sectarian groups .... unfortunately it took 15 years of conflict before the Lebanese could come to some form of peaceful coexistence. Will the same happen in Syria .... if this Wall Street Journal article is accurate .... it appears to be the case.

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