Wednesday, August 22, 2012

A View On Why Israel Will Not Attack Iran

Why Israel Won’t Attack Iran -- Robert Dreyfuss, The Diplomat

While many believe leaders in Tel Aviv are bluffing, the Jewish state gains a lot by threatening to strike Tehran.

What kind of coercion is it when the guy with the gun says: “Do this or I’ll shoot myself in the head?” Not much at all, unless you believe that Israel is hell bent on inflicting great pain on itself, as Seymour Hersh implied back in 1991, in The Samson Option: Israel’s Nuclear Arsenal and American Foreign Policy. Despite the fact that Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, Defense Minister Ehud Barak, and a panoply of American backers of Israel have ratcheted up their much-hyped threat to bomb Iran, doing so would explode in Israel’s face. Which is why it won’t happen.

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My Comment: I have always been skeptical that Israel would launch a military strike against Iran. They do not have the capability to deliver a knock-out punch that would stop the program entirely .... nor do the Israelis have the capability to launch follow up attacks should one be necessary (I doubt that Turkey, Iraq, and Saudi Arabia would want Israel to use their airspace for such an operation once it`s secrecy has been blown). But if Israel should launch an attack, it would be done to frighten the world to force Iran to limit or stop it`s nuclear program .... but I fear that it will only harden world opinion against Israel, with Iran's mullahs being even more galvanized to expand and speed up their nuclear program.

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