Tuesday, August 14, 2012

A Look At A Secret CIA Prison In Poland

Visitors are not welcome to take the path to the villa in Stare Kiejkuty, where the CIA once interrogated Al Qaida suspects in northern Poland. Roy Gutman/MCT

Poland Peels Back Layers On Secret CIA Prison For Suspected Terrorists -- McClatchy News

STARE KIEJKUTY, Poland — On an idyllic lake surrounded by woods and a double row of mesh-and-razor-wire fences about 100 miles north of Warsaw, there stands a secluded villa that the CIA once used to interrogate – and allegedly torture – top al Qaida suspects.

On the grounds of the Polish intelligence-training academy and nicknamed “Markus Wolf” for the former East German spy chief, it’s the focal point for a top-secret probe that Polish prosecutors have launched into how their government tolerated rampant violations of international and Polish law.

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My Comment: I am surprised that the Poles have been able to get as far as they have on this case. The CIA is not forthcoming, and many in Poland just want this story to go away.

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