Friday, August 10, 2012

A Ground Report From Syria

In The Shadow Of Assad’s Bombs -- Samar Yazbek, New York Times

IT was not yet 5 on Tuesday morning. I was lying on one side of the bed and the two little girls I was watching were on the other. None of us had slept a wink. Snipers’ gunfire rang out from time to time; bombs were crashing all around us. The girls’ frightened mother entered the room. “The bombing is getting worse,” she said.

We ran out, heading downstairs. Women and children and some men had gathered in the shelter. The children were now capable of distinguishing between the sound of bombs and gunfire, between distant and nearby shelling, and they could discern the direction from which it was all coming.

Read more ....

My Comment: A sobering eye-witness account from Syria on what urban combat is all about. Read it all.

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