Friday, June 22, 2012

The Move To Limit Freedom On The Web Picks Up

A global concern: Protesters from the Anonymous India group in Mumbai of hackers wear Guy Fawkes masks as they protest against laws they say gives the government control over internet usage

The Battle For Internet Freedom: Russia Tells U.N. During Secret Talks That It Wants To Be Able To censor The Web To Repress Political Opposition -- Daily Mail

* Russian President Vladimir Putin 'wants there to be centralised control of the internet'
* U.S. vows to block any proposals at U.N. Internet conference involving 170 countries
* Global web treaty will be first revision to rules in 20 years
* 'Leaks' website set up to make treaty negotiations transparent

Russia wants the ability to censor the internet - but the U.S. plans to stonewall the plans at a U.N. conference later this year.

Russia says it wants wants the right to block access where it is used for 'interfering in the internal affairs, or undermining the sovereignty, national security, territorial integrity and public safety of other states, or to divulge information of a sensitive nature'.

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My Comment: This is not surprising. The last thing that an authoritarian government wants is the free flow information .... and the internet is one massive flow of information.

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