Friday, June 22, 2012

Syria Shoots Down Turkish Military Jet Near Border

Turkish Military Jet 'Downed By Syria' Near Border -- BBC

Turkey's government has called an emergency security meeting amid reports that one of its fighter jets was shot down by Syrian security forces.

The Turkish military earlier said it had lost contact with an F-4 Phantom over the Mediterranean Sea on Friday morning, south-west of Hatay province.

It did not confirm reports that Syrian air defence forces were responsible.

But local media are quoting Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan as saying "the other side have expressed regret".

Mr Erdogan also revealed that the two crew members were safe.

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More News On Reports That Syria Has Shot Down A Turkish Military Jet

Syrian security forces 'shoot down Turkish fighter jet' over Mediterranean Sea -- Daily Mail
Syria reportedly apologizes for shooting down Turkish warplane -- FOX News/AP
Syrian air defenses shoot down Turkish fighter jet -- Jerusalem Post
Syria 'shoots down Turkish fighter jet' -- The Telegraph
Syrian ships join search for Turkish military jet lost in Mediterranean -- The Guardian/AP
Syria shoots down Turkish warplane, apologises -- Reuters
Report: Syria, Turkey search for missing Turkish warplane in eastern Mediterranean -- Washington Post/AP

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