Sunday, May 6, 2012

Vladimir Putin Returns To The Russian Presidency Monday

Vladimir Putin. RIA Novosti

Vladi­mir Putin Returns To Russian Presidency Weaker Than When He Left It -- Washington Post

MOSCOW — Striding through the Kremlin’s gold-encrusted doors and applauded by the modern nobility, Vladimir Putin returns to the Russian presidency Monday in the throne room of the czars, now a dangerously weakened autocrat.

The protests of December shook his all-powerful countenance, setting off machinations by the powers behind him who are intent on preserving their authority and privilege despite demands for democracy and reform. That conflict portends difficult and uncertain days for Russia, with Putin pressured to display more muscle than compromise.

Read more

Details of Putin’s Inaugural Ceremony -- RIA Novosti

My Comment
: Not everyone is happy that Putin is returning to the President's office.

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