Wednesday, May 9, 2012

U.S. Military Snipers Are Making A Difference On The Battlefield

In Afghanistan "snipers" play a deadly role on each side of the conflict. On the one hand US Snipers exact a heavy toll and on the other insurgent snipers continue to target US troops. Photo:

U.S. Military Snipers Are Changing Warfare -- USA Today

QUANTICO, Va. – When Marine Sgt. Jonathan Charles' unit arrived in Afghanistan, the American troops faced an entrenched enemy that picked a fight with the Marines almost every time they stepped off base.

"They couldn't get outside the wire more than 50 meters before it was a barrage of fire," said Charles, a scout sniper.

The Marine battalion quickly dispersed well-camouflaged scout sniper teams throughout the Musa Qala area in southern Afghanistan, the former Taliban heartland. The teams would hide for days, holed up in crevices, among boulders or in mud-walled homes, and wait for unsuspecting militants to walk into a trap.

Read more

Update #1: This May Be The Most Devastating Weapon In The Entire US Arsenal -- Business Insider
Update #2: US snipers take aim at insurgents in Afghanistan -- Examiner

My Comment: The above USA Today report is a must read.

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